Well, we are back from our trip to see my family! We had so much fun and the time flew by. I was sad that we weren't able to be with Matt on Easter, but it worked out for the best that way. Since we've been back, we've been busy, busy, busy! Friday, Abigail had her 4 month check up and we found out how much she really weighs and how tall she really is. Let's just say, we were a little bit off in our estimations! She is actually 16.13 lbs and 25 1/2 inches, which is still big for her age! Saturday, we celebrated Matt's 25th birthday! Happy Birthday, Matt! We also found out that we will be moving to the Raleigh area in May. This is a lot earlier than we thought, but it's neat to see how God works everything out in His timing. I've got lots of packing to do in this coming month! Here are some pictures from our trip and some from this week at home...
My grandma, mom, abigail and me... Four generations of ladies!

One of the first things we did on our trip (besides shopping!) was to go to my little brother Jordan's baseball game. Here he is at bat!

It was really cold and raining on and off... abigail was all bundled up!

Uncle Steven always likes to hold her and play with her

Here is Abigail with my sister-in-law, Auntie Kalie. Abigail loves her!

Jordan got "mauled by a bear." Part of spirit week at school was "fake an injury day." I was in charge of costumes and make-up. A little bit graphic, but definitely fun for an 11 yr old boy.

wait... is it great-grandpa Turner, or is it Santa Clause?!?!

Abigail loves Gpa Jeff!

Dad, Abigail and me at the Easter brunch Ryan and Kalie treated us to. yummy! (this picture was taken just before Abigail soaked my hair and outfit in spit-up)

we are home in these pictures... abigail is practicing standing up!

We call this "the frog picture"

I love our baby girl!

Abigail is so happy to be home with Daddy again!

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