Abigail has eaten solid foods...

My mom has visited...

and spent all her time her loving on Abigail and helping us pack...

we've visited Barnes and Noble with gramma....

Abigail has picked her first flowers...

Abigail has gotten big enough to sit in the shopping cart (with her new shopping cart cover)...

We've moved and Abigail's fascination with tags has grown...

we have
bought a new home (yay!) in the area the CREEK church will be...

a home that's not only near by, but beautiful and practical...

with a fun park and pool area...

and a big clubhouse porch with southern style rocking chairs...

Abigail has eaten banannas, broccoli (she didn't like that!) and sweet potatoes...

Abigail can sit up completely on her own...

Matt has sprained his ankle -very badly (aren't you glad that I put this lovely picture up)...

we've been overwhelmed with all of the changes and new things...

and are excited for what's in store!