Sunday, April 8, 2012

I'm back!

Well, it's been about 4 years since I've last posted on this blog (!!!!). I was looking back through some of my old posts and remembering how sweet and little Abigail was. Life was a lot simpler, LESS BUSY and less messy (ha!) back then. I thought that having one baby was a lot of work and SO tiring. Well, it was for me at the time... but having three little ones is quite a lot more work. Yup, that's right... we now have three little girls and I rarely have two free hands, but I love these little ladies and am amazed that I have been entrusted with their precious lives. I'm realizing more and more that time really does go fast. There are so many things that I don't want to forget ( and I have learned that I cannot rely on my "mommy brain" to keep track of them all)... 

So here's to re-joining the blogging world!

 Abigail Grace - 4 1/2 yrs

 Anna Elizabeth - 2 1/2 yrs 

Sarah Catherine - 7 months (but only five months in this picture)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Since I've last posted....

Abigail has eaten solid foods...
My mom has visited...
and spent all her time her loving on Abigail and helping us pack...
we've visited Barnes and Noble with gramma....
Abigail has picked her first flowers...
Abigail has gotten big enough to sit in the shopping cart (with her new shopping cart cover)... We've moved and Abigail's fascination with tags has grown...we have bought a new home (yay!) in the area the CREEK church will be...
a home that's not only near by, but beautiful and practical...
with a fun park and pool area...
and a big clubhouse porch with southern style rocking chairs... Abigail has eaten banannas, broccoli (she didn't like that!) and sweet potatoes...
Abigail can sit up completely on her own...
Matt has sprained his ankle -very badly (aren't you glad that I put this lovely picture up)...
we've been overwhelmed with all of the changes and new things...
and are excited for what's in store!

Friday, May 2, 2008


To those of you who check this blog to see new pictures of Abigail and what our little family is up to: I am sorry about the lack of posts/updates! If you didn't know this already, we are moving to the Raleigh, NC area to be a part of a church plant! We will be moving in just a couple of weeks and as you can imagine have LOTS to do. I am busy packing away while Matt finishes his last day of work at LU. This weekend we will keep on packing and then Matt leaves for the week to start his new job. Abigail and I will stay here and, of course, pack! My mom is going to come and visit right before we move so I hope to have most/all of our packing done before then.

Abigail is 5 1/2 months old now and growing up more and more by the day. Here are a few pics from the past month or so:

Abigail wants to be just like her daddy!

We went to LU's spring football scrimmage where my brother, Steven, almost won a new mustang!

This picture of Abigail and her Grandpa Al is so sweet... I love it!

family picture!

Oh, and for all of you ladies out there...since the warmer weather is here, you should check out CJ Mahaney's writings on modesty. Also Nancy Leigh Demoss did an excellent series about modesty on her radio program "Revive Our Hearts" -you can listen the programs here (or you can read through them if you are short on time... it's kind of a long series!)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

We're Back!

Well, we are back from our trip to see my family! We had so much fun and the time flew by. I was sad that we weren't able to be with Matt on Easter, but it worked out for the best that way. Since we've been back, we've been busy, busy, busy! Friday, Abigail had her 4 month check up and we found out how much she really weighs and how tall she really is. Let's just say, we were a little bit off in our estimations! She is actually 16.13 lbs and 25 1/2 inches, which is still big for her age! Saturday, we celebrated Matt's 25th birthday! Happy Birthday, Matt! We also found out that we will be moving to the Raleigh area in May. This is a lot earlier than we thought, but it's neat to see how God works everything out in His timing. I've got lots of packing to do in this coming month! Here are some pictures from our trip and some from this week at home...
My grandma, mom, abigail and me... Four generations of ladies!
One of the first things we did on our trip (besides shopping!) was to go to my little brother Jordan's baseball game. Here he is at bat!
It was really cold and raining on and off... abigail was all bundled up!
Uncle Steven always likes to hold her and play with herHere is Abigail with my sister-in-law, Auntie Kalie. Abigail loves her!
Jordan got "mauled by a bear." Part of spirit week at school was "fake an injury day." I was in charge of costumes and make-up. A little bit graphic, but definitely fun for an 11 yr old boy.
wait... is it great-grandpa Turner, or is it Santa Clause?!?!Abigail loves Gpa Jeff!

Dad, Abigail and me at the Easter brunch Ryan and Kalie treated us to. yummy! (this picture was taken just before Abigail soaked my hair and outfit in spit-up)
we are home in these pictures... abigail is practicing standing up!
We call this "the frog picture" I love our baby girl!
Abigail is so happy to be home with Daddy again!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

4 months old!

Where has the time gone? It has already been a month since I've posted on this blog....oops! The weather is starting to turn to spring (I love it!) and Abigail is growing like a weed. She is now 20lbs and 27" and in 9 month clothing... I know, what a big baby! She is so healthy and so happy and I just love being her mom. Abigail and I will be traveling this weekend to visit my family in WA state. It's gonna be a long journey since we have to drive 3 1/2 hours up to DC and then fly for a good 6 hours to Seattle. Sadly, Matt cannot come with us... he has to work. =( We are sad about this and will miss him SO much, but thankfully Steven (my brother) will be coming over with us... that will be a big help during our travels!
Here are a few pics of Abigail from this past month... I might have gone a little bit overboard with the pics, but there were too many cute ones to choose from!


Abigail and Uncle Steven

Abigail and Uncle Mark

So happy

Haha... funny picture. This one is from today... 4 months old!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

3 Months Old!

Abigail is three months old today. It definitely seems like I have been a mom for more than just a few months! In some ways it seems like Abigail is much older and has been around much longer, yet the three months have also been really short! I thought, since Abigail is SO much older now (haha), that I would get out some of her little toys. She hasn't really shown too much interest in them yet, but when I got the camera out she started playing with these rings.
"look at me mommy, I am so big!"

"hmmmm, these things might be interesting after all!"

This was yesterday afternoon... I thought that little headband looked so cute in her hair, but when I took it off it left red marks. We won't be wearing that anymore!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Voting Day -part 2

Yay, We voted and got stickers! Abigail isn't quite sure about her little hanging friends...