Abigail laughed for the first time on Friday, January 25th!
It was the CUTEST thing (I know I say everything is the cutest thing... but this really was the cutest to date!). Matt, abigail and I took a trip to the grocery store in the afternoon and I was putting some yogurt in the fridge. Matt had Abigail sitting on his lap (like in the picture below) and she was so happy. She was smiling so much and then, all of a sudden, we heard her laugh! We both looked at her, then at each other and we just cracked up! Abigail laughed a few more times and made our day!
We took a picture of her on the day of her first laugh

Here is another one from that day.
she doesn't look quite as happy in this one....

Steven came to church with us to hear Matt preach.
Al, Bonnie and Gma Shirley were here Friday and Saturday. We had fun playing rummy, visiting, watching Abigail be cute and eating (eating a lot!)... I didn't get any pictures of them with Abigail =( (they are all on Al's camera) , but here is Steven with his favorite neice!

One more... I think they were both caught off guard
The next four pictures are from today. I have been trying Abigail's bigger clothes on her. I put this sweet little outfit from Susie on her thinking that it was going to be too big.
Thank goodness we tried it on today, because it fits her perfectly!
Abigail was talking up a storm!
She loves to suck on her fists
Her hair looks like a wave! haha.... These pictures were right after her bath. Sometimes her hair get's a little crazy looking right after it is washed, but it is so soft and smells SO good!

This past weekend and this week have been and are going to be very busy! This weekend we had the Hahns come to visit, Matt preached AND we went to watch Matt and Steven play basketball two times! We also went out with some friends after they played bball last night (which was fun). Today I think we might go and visit our neighbor, linda. we have tried to visit her many times, but have always missed her. Tomorrow Abigail and I are going to the mall and maybe to the Drinkards. Wednesday we are going to visit The Branches (where i worked) to see everyone. Friday, Matt is speaking at a "true love waits" conference and Sunday he is preaching at Coolwell again! Whew! Abigail and I like being busy... so this is all good! She will be able to wear some new outfits, too! I think I am going to retire some 3 month sized outfits and bring out the 6 month sizes! She is getting so big...
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