Wednesday, February 13, 2008
3 Months Old!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Voting Day
Princess Abigail after her bath... so cute in her other little lamb outfit from gma lori!
She puts her hand up to her face like this all the time
such a little lady!
"are you done yet, mom?"
Monday, February 11, 2008
This Morning
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Abigail Rolled Over!
Daddy and Abigail before the game
Friday, February 8, 2008
For the Grandmas (and everyone else too)
Here she is in the pretty dress from gma lori. She looks so beautiful in it!
Such a cutie
one more
Sitting pretty (and trying not to fall forward)
Here is just a sample of her many spit up moments "hmmm, what are those little butterflies doing??"
Here is Abigial glaring at her mobile
She looks SO pretty in this color! This little dress was in a box of hand-me-downs and I think it is adorable!
Look at those bright blue eyes! This dress is from a little boy that was in my class. Abigail will definitely have to wear tights with it... it's a little bit short!
"Ok, enough pictures mom"
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Thank You!
"Thank you Gma Lori and Gpa Jeff! I love all of my new outfits! I think I will wear the pink one for Valentines day. I also love the little lamb outfits... they are so cute and I can't wait to wear them!"
I can't wait to dress Abigail in all of these cute clothes! I was thinking that she really didn't have too many 6mo clothes to wear... she does now! I will be trying out the video camera upload when Abigail is taking her nap.... hopefully it will work so you can see the cute girl in action! Thanks again for all of the beautiful outfits!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Is it Spring Already?
"I'm just relaxing in my boppy"