Sunday, December 30, 2007

In Washington

Our traditional stop and "great" grandma and grandpa's after the airport... Abigail and I had a very long travel day together! We were both tired.

We stopped at great-grandma's after church on Sunday... Abigail looked so cute in her new green girly outfit... great grandma was SO excited to see and hold her again!

Abigail was working hard on something.... her face says it all!

"Look mommy, I made a big mess!" (she really did work hard!)

Abigail was so cute! When grandma lori was cleaning her up, she was holding on to a napkin ring. She loves to wrap her little fingers around things.

Whew! Abigail was so messy that she had to get cleaned up all the way to the top of her back!
ahhhh... new diaper and a new outfit. This picture is for daddy... he misses his girls and they miss him too!
Four generations of lovely ladies
Abigail with her great-grandparents!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Growing, Growing

Abigail is now 11lbs and 22 1/2 inches! I knew she was growing, but I didn't think THAT much. What a healthy baby! =) I tried to take a picture of her all stretched out to she how tall she is... she's stretched out, but she doesn't look too happy!

These two pics were taken one Abigail's one month bday.
Kate came to visit us before she left for Christmas break. Abigail was staring at her...

Saturday, December 15, 2007


A big hooray and Congrats to my amazing hubby, Matt! He turned in his final paper last night for the final class he had to take to earn his Master's of Arts in Religion! He has worked so hard for the past year to earn this degree, yet has still been able to balance being a husband, new daddy, full time student and full time job AND preaching 1-3 times per month. How he does it, I do not know... but he does and he does it all well.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy One Month!

Happy one month Abigail! She celebrated her one month birthday by only getting up one time during the night last night! Yay Abigail... you are getting so big!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tomorrow: One Month Old!

Yikes! I can't believe that Abigail is going to be ONE MONTH old tomorrow! She's growing up so fast already... here is a one day early shot of Abigail at one month old. It looks like she is about to smile in this one... or maybe make a big mess in her diaper!

Abigail and I took an adventure shopping today... we made lots of stops and had lots of fun! Abigail slept most of the time, of course. I carried her around in the baby bjorn and everybody stopped me to check out our cute little baby.


Here are some more pictures that have been taken since the last post:

Matt was making Abigail laugh!

Our little family went to walmart together the other day... Daddy carried Abigail around the store in the Baby Bjorn from Ryan and Kalie. This was our first time using it!

My grandpa wanted a picture of me and Abigail to send to a relative in Norway who had held me when I was just a few months old. Doesn't Abigail look cute?!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Cute Pictures

She loves getting all clean! This is Grandma Lori giving her a bath

All cozied up

I was giving Abigail some "tummy time" on the boppy pillow and she started sucking on her arm. She ended up giving herself a hickey on her little arm.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ready for the Weather!

Grandma Lori got this little fleece outfit for Abigail... I put it on her today to see if it fit yet and thought she looked so cute! I put on her little pink snow boots (that mom just loves) and she is ready to go! We are taking a little family outing to Charlottesville tomorrow in the cold weather and Abigail will definitely be wearing this!

HaHa.... this picture just makes me crack up every time I see it!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

3 weeks old!

Today Abigail is 3 weeks old! I dressed her in her "cute" outfit today. Her daddy wanted to see her dressed up in it and wearing her silver shoes. It's kind of hard to believe that three weeks have already passed. I can tell that she has grown so much. This outfit used to be huge on her, but she is fitting into it a lot better!

Yesterday Abigail and I went to the Drinkards (our landlords) for a visit. They really enjoyed meeting Abigail... they were getting antsy to see her! It was funny because when Abigail was awake, she was looking around very curiously... like she knew that she wasn't at home; that she was in a new place. She is so smart already! I think that her eyesight is getting better. Abigail also seems to be getting into a bit of a routine... this is good. We are working toward the goal of her sleeping through the night! I think she will be there in a few weeks (hopefully). She went for 5 hours without eating last night (i would say that she slept for five hours, but it took a while for her to fall alseep after her evening feeding. Matt kept getting up and patting her back every 10 minutes for an hour! I slept through this... I thought abigail fell asleep right away, oops! I am glad that matt was there!).

Did I mention that Abigail is a grunter? she is so funny! Her grunting and the faces she makes just cracks me up! I am going to catch her with the camcorder one of these days and put it onhere so you can see how funny she is!